중급자를 위한 토익 한수

바기오에서의 좋은 기억

2012-11-08 10:27

Remeber for two months. -Alicia(강연정)


It was a difficult decision to me that I came to philippines to study english.

When i quited my job, I had several choices.

I could find another job or I could get married.

But I chose studying english. Consequently I´ve never regreted my choice.


Some of my friends didn´t understand my determination. They wanted that I was choosing realistic goals.

Like that, to change job within the samefield and to make a predictable future.

They moralized to me, "It is too late to learn English".

As a matter of fact, they are busy to build their career or having a family. Partly their opinion is correct. But I´m not sure. It isn´t late time to do something.


So I came here. And then, I have returned student for two months.

Actually I didn´t have clear aim to learn English.

I just wanted to speak English well.


At first time, everything was strange to me.

For instance, objectionable weather of rainy season and jassy exterior of jeepney.

But I quicky got used to new environment.

Two month. It isn´t short time. also it isn´t long.

During the time, I met new friends, I studied English, I learned many things.


In the future, what can I remember about this times?

kind people? or variety of foods? or scenery in Baguio?

I enjoyed every minute.

Specially, I really satisfy that I could get rid of the fear about English.


As yet, my English is not good. But I enjoy to learn English.

My thought is changed. English isn´t a study. It´s just a language.

And I realize the truth. When people choose the correct way, Noone knows the answer.

It can´t make me happy that just follow the communal thinking
