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발롯 Balot을 아시나요?

2014-10-20 11:01



우리나라에서는 볼수없는 특이한 음식으로 혐오음식으로도 꼽히기도 합니다.
필리핀 길거리를 가다보면 판매를 하고 있습니다.
발롯(Balot)은 부화 직전의 오리알을 삶은 필리핀 요리입니다;;;
필리핀 사람들에게 저렴한 가격으로 단백질 공급원이 되기 때문에 인기가 좋습니다.
발롯을 꼭 드시라고 권하지는 않겠습니다. 필리핀 분들은 거리낌없이 영양공급원으로 드시죠..
한국분들은 시도하시는 분은 드뭅니다.


A balut (spelled standardized as balot) is a developing duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell.

It is commonly sold as streetfood in the Philippines.
They are often served with beer.

embryo - 배아(인간의 경우는 수정 후 첫 8주까지의 태아)
shell - 껍질
commonly - 흔히, 보통

In the Philippines, balut eaters prefer salt and/or a chili, garlic and vinegar (white or coconut sap) mixture to season their eggs.
The eggs are savored for their balance of textures and flavors; the broth surrounding the embryo is sipped from the egg before the shell is peeled, and the yolk and young chick inside can be eaten.

All of the contents of the egg may be consumed, although the white may remain uneaten; depending on the age of the fertilized egg, the white may have an unappetizing cartilaginous toughness.
In the Philippines, balut have recently entered haute cuisine by being served as appetizers in restaurants, cooked adobo style, fried in omelettes or even used as filling in baked pastries.
In Vietnam, balut are eaten with a pinch of salt, lemon juice, plus ground pepper and Vietnamese mint leaves (southern Vietnamese style).
In Cambodia, balut are eaten while still warm in the shell and are served with nothing more than a little garnish, which is usually a mixture of lime juice and ground pepper.

savor - 맛, 풍미, 향기
broth - 수프, 죽, 국물
fertilize - 수정시키다
unappetizing - 맛없는 입맛 떨어지게 하는
cartilaginous - 연골로된
toughness -  단단함 억셈
haute - 고급의