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세상에 이런 일이.... 영국에서는 여우가 알을 품는다.

2014-05-07 10:05

세상에 이런 일이.... 영국에서는 여우가 알을 품는다.

Lazy brown fox stages a coop in the hen-house:

Caught red-handed – the predator turned protector


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구어체적 표현과 실생활에 관련된 표현들이 많아 생소한 표현들도 많지만

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영국에서는 일상다반사 –런던에서 조차-인 여우의 출몰이

포츠머스에서는 좀 더 재미난 일로 기사거리가 되었습니다.

참고로 여우가 주택밀집지역에서 저를 졸졸 따라 온 적도 있습니다.

먹을 것을 주는 사람들도 있다고 합니다.

http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/24/lazy-brown-fox-stages-a-coop-in-the-hen-house-caught-red-handed-the-predator-turned-protector-4677458/ ◀ 원문 출처


stalking : 남을 따라 다니면서 괴롭히기

a wily predator : = a wily fox 교활한 여우, 잔꾀를 부리는 사람.

stumbled across : stumble across/on/upon something/somebody ~을 우연히 발견하다

was content : 만족하다, 자족하다 startled : 놀란

oblivious : 의식하지 못하는 quick-thinking : 사고가 빠른, 생각이 빠른

bushy tail : 무성하게 자란 꼬리 a chicken coop : 닭장

* be none the wiser : (설명을 듣고도) 여전히 이해가 안 되다

I´ve read the instructions, but I´m still none the wiser.

have a word : 짧게 이야기를 나누다.

From predator to protector: Fox guards eggs in chicken coop

* From A to B: A 에서 B 까지/ A에서 B로

It’s fair to assume that a fox / stalking a chicken coop is on the hunt for dinner.

* ~라고 가정/생각하는 것은 정당/당연하다 로 해석하세요. 뒤의 분사구문이 fox를 수식.

So when Jane France found a wily predator / sitting inside her hen house she feared she had stumbled across every farmer’s worst nightmare.

* sitting 이하는 a wily predator를 꾸민다.

But she need not have worried – for this fox was content curling up on a nest of eggs to keep them warm as her hens happily pecked nearby.

* need 는 여기서 조동사

It was somewhat startled to have been found at a school farmyard, she said.

And rather than run off, the fox stayed perfectly still while office manager Ms France took a few pictures.

* rather than *rather than 바로 뒤 문장 해석은 “~라기 보다는”. 사진 찍어도 가만히 있었댑니다.

‘I don’t suppose (that) I’ll ever take another photo like that,’ said the 57-year-old.

* 간단히 말하면, 이런 사진 평생에 두 번은 못 찍는다.

‘The chickens were happily scratching around in the garden – oblivious to the fox keeping the eggs warm.’

Finding a fox among the chickens is every farmer´s nightmare.

But it´s not often that one decides to curl up and use a nest of chicken eggs as a bed

- keeping them warm and intact while it rests.

* 여기서의 Keeping 분사구문은 ~하면서로 해석할 것.

Discovered by schoolchildren in Portsmouth, Hants, this brave fox looked somewhat startled to have been found.

* 한츠도 첨엔 좀 놀랬다고 합니다.

Yet he sat still as a statue while quick-thinking office manager Jane France took a few snaps.

* yet이 문두에 오면 “그러나” / 사진 찍다가 took snaps 로 다르게 표현 되어 있습니다.

Jane France couldn’t believe it when she found the fox in the coop.

Found by children at the Flying Bull primary school, in Portsmouth, it’s not known how long the fox was in the coop.

* 위에서는 discovered, 여기서는 Found.

Ms France said the school has been visited by foxes before, but added: ‘This one had a beautiful bushy tail.

‘Other foxes running through our grounds have generally been thin and in very poor condition.’

* running ~ 는 other foxes를 꾸며주고 있다. 지시형용사 other은 복수 가산 명사와 불가산 명사를 꾸민다.

The fox left shortly after a colleague went into the shed and ‘had a word’ with it, she said.

* 여우가 떠났군요.

‘All the eggs were intact and the chickens seemed none the wiser,’ Ms France added.

* 알도 온전하게 남아있고 닭들은 아무일도 없다는 듯이 보였다.