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고급 중국식 퓨전 레스토랑 포츈 fortune

2016-10-19 16:08

포츈 - fortune 중국식 퓨전요리집

필리핀스타일과 중식요리가 합쳐진 느낌의 레스토랑입니다.
딤섬, 볶음밥,해산물, 야채, 치킨요리,라푸라푸 등등 여러가지 고급 중화요리를 맛볼수 있습니다.
가격은 다른 식당에 비해 저렴한 편은 아닙니다만 고급스러운 분위기를 즐길수 있습니다.



Fortune Hongkong Seafood Restaurant, or simply Fortune, is the newest addition to seafood restaurants here in Baguio City which, is owned and managed by the Ong family. They opened to the public February 12th of 2012.Fortune Hongkong Seafoods Restaurant Baguio´s interior design is superb, and it offers a chic and a very relaxing ambiance. Its table settings and elegant chandeliers make it appear very classy and enticing.

They do serve lots of different dishes, so there´s much to choose from. Although, they do offer dishes at a higher price range compared to other restaurants. Here´s a picture of Fortune´s Seafood Restaurant menu and pricelist.

The restaurant is located at Otek Street beside Good Taste Restaurant and Burnham Park and PRC Baguio branch. The place is great for family and friends. Its best if you go there in groups because the do serve a lot. They do cater to events such as debut, birthdays, and wedding reception. Here´s a peak of the inside of the restaurant.


Sweet & Sour Pork탕수육 

small 260.00 medium 390.00 large 520.00


Lapu-Lapu 라푸라푸 생선요리
small 340.00 medium 510.00 large 680.00


Fried Rice Fookien Style 볶음밥 

small 280.00 medium 420.00 large 560.00


Fried Prawn Dumpling 만두