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Sagada Coffee

2017-02-24 10:04




The town of Sagada is a popular destination in the northern part of the Philippines for travelers and backpackers who are either adventure seekers or nature lovers because of its natural attractions and cold climate. When you travel, it is part of the thrill to taste and eat the popular delicacies available.

Sagada is very  known  for their famous delicacies, the Lemon Pie and Pinikpikan, but it would be much better pairing it with their signature  drink The Arabica Coffee, one of the most expensive coffees  in the world. 


Coffee Arabica grows in low temperature about an average of between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius. It  takes about seven years for the Arabica shrub to mature fully. Two to four years after planting, the Arabica shrub produces small white flowers.


These white flowers only last a few days, then clusters of berries begin to appear. These berries looks dark green at first.


 As the berries begin to ripen, the berries becomes yellow and then light red and finally darkening to a glossy deep red. At this point they are called ‘cherries’ and are ready for harvest.


Each berry has two locules( a small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an organism) which contains the coffee bean. These coffee beans were washed and sun dried and lastly, processed in and roasted using this two machines.


I have personally tried this famous Organic Arabica Coffee and I must say that it taste really good. There is a distinct taste of an organically grown coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker but I like it! It may look dark and concentrated but believe me it is not bitter to taste like the commercial coffee that we are drinking in the metro. Aside from the good taste, you will enjoy all the health benefits of drinking Arabica coffee especially its anti-oxidant(anti-cancer) content.

Coffee Arabica may be expensive but with its health benefits,  I wouldn’t mind spending for the sake of my family’s health and my own.